How to make money online by sharing your internet

Earn money by sharing internet

For many people specially students, making money online would be an absolute dream come true. If they know how to make money online using any websites or android apps, it will be a bonus for them. Today I am going to share an apps, using which you can make money online by sharing your unused internet bandwidth data. 

Honeygain Logo

This app name is "HoneyGain".


  1. What is HoneyGain?
  2. How to Setup HoneyGain?
  3. How is the earning?

What is HoneyGain?

According to their web page: "Honeygain is the first-ever app that allows users to make money online by sharing their internet connection. Users now can reach their networks' full potential by getting cash back to their wallets!". So, basically HoneyGain is a crowd sourced network company that lets other businesses to gather information, data intelligence and perform market and business research. In other words, The honey gain network will use your IP or network for content delivery.

How to Setup HoneyGain?

The procedure is simple. Just open the app. And keep it running in the background. Keep your internet turned on. You can use HoneyGain in android, windows and macOS. Also you can use multiple devices in same account to increase your earning. 

How is the earning?

HoneyGain estimated that, you can earn around $50/month, if you keep the app turned on 24/7 in background. Also, you can use your referral link to invite user. If someone sign up using your link, you will earn 10% of the income of that user, lifetime.

Thank you for reading. See you in next blog.


  1. I've had over 5 payouts from Honeygain, and can definitely vouch for them. Thanks to them, I've started buying small amounts of BTC again, and even spent some earnings on Vbucks for Fortnite haha.

    For anyone with Windows and Mac devices, IPRoyals is another service like Honeygain - the 2 big differences are higher earnings per GB (USD$0.20c) and much lower min payout threshold (USD$1). Their Android app is currently under development too - once it is released, IPRoyals will definitely take off. If you want to check them out, visit to get started :).


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